Tapp snap

Tapp snap

This is a MetaMask Snap for tapp token.


This project uses @metamask/snaps-sdk to develop the Snap. The features are:

  • Display Token metadata, including images, attributes, and descriptions
  • Provide Token-related interactive operations
  • Support for multiple chains and contracts
  • Build user interface using React JSX syntax

Project Structure

  • src/: Source code directory
    • components/: React components
      • Actions.tsx: Button Action page component
      • HomePage.tsx: HomePage page component
      • TokenPage.tsx: Interactive form component
    • libs/: Library
      • constants.ts: Some const
      • types.ts: Some types
      • utils.ts: Some common functions
    • TokenPage.tsx: Interactive form component
    • index.tsx: Entry file for the Snap
    • index.test.tsx: Test file
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file
  • package.json: Project dependencies and scripts


  1. Run npm run install to install dependencies
  2. Use npm run build to build the project
  3. Use npm run start to start the project, it will run on http://localhost:8080
  4. Use npm run test to run tests

Request snap in local

You can use ethereum.request to invoke this snap in local:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: "wallet_invokeSnap",
  params: {
    snapId: "local:http://localhost:8080",
    request: {
      method: "import",
      params: YOUR_PARAMS,

The params are:

  • chain: ID of the blockchain network.
  • contract: Address of the token contract.
  • tokenId: Token ID.


The project uses @metamask/snaps-jest for testing. The test file is located at src/index.test.tsx.


You can use our AddToSnap button or access MetaMask Snaps Directory to install this snap.